Friday, 15 January 2010

No Pain, No Gain

On Friday afternoon I met a man called Dave, and within half an hour of his company he'd made me feel physically sick. Not because he's a pervert, or a despotic overlord, or even worse, an Arsenal fan. No, Dave is my new personal trainer.

I've decided to lead a healthier lifestyle, and my self-discipline, or rather lack of it, means I need someone like Dave to keep me motivated. Left to my own devices, I just don't drag myself to the gym often enough. So, Dave gets a considerable percentage of my monthly wages, and I get fitter and healthier. But, my God it hurts.

What made it worse was the apocalyptic hangover I had that day. It was well earned at a friend's art exhibition the evening before, where the champagne was free, and free flowing. But those last few glasses seemed like such a bad idea once Dave began the session. Or his 'diabolical reign of terror', as I prefer to call it.

I'd already come clean about the hangover. Honesty is the best policy after all. Plus, I thought (incorrectly as it turned out) it might mean I'd get a slightly easier time of it. I couldn't help but think that Dave was getting an inaccurate picture of my lifestyle. As far as he was concerned, I was a drunkard. A sub-human, who's only reason to roll out of bed each afternoon is to stuff last night's pizza in to his face while shooting virtual zombies, before finding his next fix of booze. I was determined to show him that he was only half right, by apologising whenever I could draw breath, and assuring him that I wasn't always this bad.

The text I received from Domino's pizza half way through the session did little to help my cause.

I've had three days to mull this over, and I still can't think of how on earth they got hold of my mobile number. I have never had a text from Domino's before. I've never had a text from any food outlet before. Not even a group email. Why now? When I'm desperately trying to prove I'm not the next Shane McGowan to a perfect stranger I've paid to hurt me? Of all the times.

There can only be two possibilities. The first is that I truly am a disgusting slob, and on one of my many drunken trips to the pizza house, decided it would be a good idea to sign up to their text alert service, and then woke up the next day without remembering a thing. But that can't be right. That wouldn't do at all. I mean, what if Dave's reading this? (Hi, Dave).

No, the much more likely reason for this untimely text is that The Devil himself was trying to tempt me when I was at my weakest. He doesn't want me to get healthy. He wants me to remain amongst the hoardes of the lethargic and slightly overweight, forever damned to a life of not being overly confident about taking my shirt off on the beach. The bastard. Well, get thee behind me Satan, for I shall not be tempted. You can take your admittedly very reasonable offer of 'Any Pizza, Any Size £9.99 - Delivered', and you can shove it right up your bright red arse. I'm going to do this. I could murder a Chicken Feast though. And some potato wedges. And those cookies they do are amazing.

This isn't going to be easy.

1 comment:

Hattie said...

I am not happy about this Sweens. You're sneakily toning up in order to humiliate us all on the beach. Well I for one am not getting sucked into this competitive healthiness. If you expect me to be anything other than pasty and flobbery come August you've got another thing coming. In fact I'm going to start eating more cakes in preparation. Yeah you heard. I'm PORKING UP.