Wednesday, 13 January 2010

But seriously...

I thought it was about time I posted something that wasn't utterly depressing. Christmas was a horrible time for me and my family, and its been a lot harder than I thought to get back to normality. Life will never be the same again, but as Freddie Mercury once sang, ''I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike''. Hang on, that's not right...

I've been spending a lot of time reliving my childhood recently. Last week I bought a Guns N' Roses t-shirt. I was OBSESSED with that band as a kid. I had all the albums, the t-shirts, the posters...everything. I used to draw pictures of Slash on my pencil case during double maths. Its one of my greatest regrets that I never saw them live in their heyday. Alas, I was too young at the time, and they never seemed to include Carmarthen in their European tour dates for some reason.

I was so pleased with my t-shirt that I wore it to work the very next day. When someone asked me if I was wearing it ironically I could have punched them. But, seeing as that person was my female boss, I thought better of it, and comforted myself with the thought that she was probably a Bon Jovi fan. Loser.

The other trip down memory lane came one lunchtime this week. A colleague of mine recently spent some time in America as a professional wrestling commentator. He gave up the rigmarole of the nine to five, and persued his obsession and dream. I have nothing but admiration for that. It turns out he's going back to the States soon to go to an event called Wrestlemania. This is an annual event that, as a ten year old boy and massive fan of Hulk Hogan, I would have swapped all my football stickers, toys and possibly a limb (I wasn't that active a child anyway), to go and see. I was surprised by how much I could remember about it. Its a shame that as an adult, I don't really have anything I am so passionate about that it completely takes over like that. Its also a shame that its no longer socially acceptable to get all the associated toys and play with them for hours with my friends, making ridiculous fighting noises like 'boof', and 'paff'. Good times.

Anyway, I've since indulged in one of my childhood obsessions and looked for old videos on YouTube. In amongst all the classic wrestling matches I remembered watching on VHS in my pyjamas on Christmas mornings was a video I had never seen before. Its truly incredible, utterly bizarre, and features two legends in their own lifetime. One is a wrestler called The Ultimate Warrior. The other, is Phil Collins.



Hattie said...

Nice to have you back blogging Sweens. xx

Dann said...

i think this came from GLOW "the glamerous ladies of wrestling" it was a very bizare show

Dann said...